Bear Moon Our Grandmother
February 16, 2022
The plants, the trees, the water, the wind, the rocks and the mountains have spirit. The sky worlds, including the moon and other planets have spirit. All of these are part of our first family, the natural world.
The name of the moon for February is the Snow Moon because usually more snow falls in February than any other month in winter. The Cree called it the Bald Eagle Moon or Eagle Moon. Bear Moon (Ojibwe) and Black Bear Moon (Tlingit) refer to the time when bear cubs are born. The Dakota called it the Raccoon Moon, and certain Algonquin peoples named it the Groundhog Moon. The Haida named it Goose Moon. The Cherokee names of “Month of the Bony Moon” and “Hungry Moon” suggest that food was hard to come by at this time.
Catch a glimpse and pay respect to Grandmother Moon.