Helpful links related to diabetes

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative is designed to provide a more comprehensive, collaborative and integrated approach to decreasing diabetes and its complications among Aboriginal peoples.

Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada The mission of the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada is to improve the health of Aboriginal people, by supporting Aboriginal Nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Aboriginal Health Nursing.

Assembly of First Nations “We, as First Nations peoples accept our responsibility as keepers of Mother Earth to achieve the best quality of life and health for future generations based on our traditions, values, cultures and languages.”

Association of Ontario Midwives

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Representing the rights and interests of off-reserve Aboriginal people in Canada.

Diabetes Canada Leading the fight against diabetes.

Diabetes Hope Foundation Creating a life without limits for kids with diabetes.

Diabetes Meals for Good Health Meals for Good Health is an updated excellent community cooking resource to prevent/manage diabetes. There you can find many more great diabetes recipes and meals.

Diabetic Gourmet Dedicated to Diabetic Dining and Healthy Living.

Dietitians of Canada provides leadership and support to promote health and well-being through expertise in food and nutrition.

Eat Right Ontario (ERO) is a free service that connects residents of Ontario to the trusted advice of a Registered Dietitian to help you make healthier food choices and answer your nutrition questions. Whether you are a parent, consumer, health professional or community leader.

First Nation Food, Nutrition & Environment Study A national scope study on the benefits and risks of food and water in First Nations communities

Health Canada is the federal department responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health.

Health Check™ helps you make healthy choices in grocery stores and restaurants.

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Finding answers for life™

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatam Canada’s National Inuit Organization

Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project “Healthy eating habits, daily physical activity & positive attitude can prevent diabetes”

National Aboriginal Council of Midwives

Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)

Right to Play Since 2010, Right To Play partnered with First Nations and urban Aboriginal organizations across Ontario and Manitoba to deliver the PLAY Program. The PLAY program is focused on limiting the challenges and building on the strengths of Aboriginal youth.

The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was officially established on June 1, 2008 and our new website is on-line at

The Kidney Foundation of Canada Today, the Kidney Foundation of Canada is the national health charity committed to kidney health and to improved lives for all people living with kidney disease.

Tungasuvvingat Inuit Welcome to Tungasuvvingat Inuit’s Urban Inuit Diabetes Awareness and Prevention Website.

Women’s Health Matters This health centre has been developed by women health professionals for women with diabetes. It is intended to help you better understand how diabetes affects you as a woman and how best to manage it.

World Diabetes Day November 14 A campaign led by the International Diabetes Federation

World Health Organization In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, involving equitable access to essential care and collective defence against transnational threats.
